Picktorial - Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Picktorial has many keyboard shortcuts that will help you move through your editing workflow faster. Many of these shortcuts have been chosen by common conventions of the operating system and classic photo editing software, so you are most likely able to guess them (for example, ⌘ Z for undo). However, some shortcuts are unique for Picktorial and it worth going over this list at least once and write down the shortcuts that you find the most useful for your common tasks.

Working with panes, tabs and windows

Show / hide browser⌘ /
Show / hide inspector⌘ ]
Show / hide library⌘ [
Show / hide assistant viewer⌘ \
Open a new tab⌘ T
Close current tab or viewer⌘ O
Minimize window⌘ M
Enter / exit full screen^ ⌘ F
Select primary viewer⌘ 1
Select assistant viewer⌘ 2
Select previous tab⌃ ⇧ ⇤
Select next tab⌃ ⇥
Navigate back in tab history⇧ ⌘ [
Navigate forward in tab history⇧ ⌘ ]

Navigation and photo selection

Select next photo in browser
Select previous photo in browser
Select next row in library⌥ ⇣
Select previous row in library⌥ ⇡
Expand selected row in library⌥ ⇢
Collapse selected row in library⌥ ⇠
Select a file to open in a new tab⌘ O
Select all⌘ A
Select current⌘ D
Continously expand selection to right⇧ ⇢
Continously expand selection to left⇧ ⇠
Continously expand selection to upper row⇧ ⇡
Continously expand selection to lower row⇧ ⇣
Expand selection to right⌘ ⇢
Expand selection to left⌘ ⇠
Expand selection to upper row⌘ ⇡
Expand selection to lower row⌘ ⇣

Rating and marking photos

Rate with 1 stars1
Rate with 2 stars2
Rate with 3 stars3
Rate with 4 stars4
Rate with 5 stars5
Mark photo as rejectedX
Mark as unrated0

Using the Viewer

Zoom in⌘ =
Zoom out⌘ -
Actual size⌘ 0
Toggle zoom viewZ or Space
Rotate image left (counter-clockwise)⌘ L
Rotate image right (clockwise)⌘ R
Compare with the original for a moment\
Switch between the original and output image⇧ \
Show / hide focus points⌥ P

Image Editing

Copy adjustments⇧⌘ C
Paste adjustments⇧⌘ V
Reset adjustments⇧⌘ R
Increase a slider value⇡ when the mouse cursor is over the slider
Decrease a slider value⇣ when the mouse cursor is over the slider
Reset a sliderDouble-click slider or its name
Zoom in/out with mouse in an editing toolHold ⌘ while scrolling the mouse wheel
Pan with the mouse in an editing toolHold ⌘ while dragging the image
Close selected editing tool⎋ (Escape)
Increase brush size] or scroll the mouse wheel up
Decrease brush size[ or scroll the mouse wheel down
Increase brush featherHold ⌥ while scrolling the mouse wheel up
Decrease brush featherHold ⌥ while scrolling the mouse wheel down
Temporarily switch between brush and eraser<Hold ⌥ while drawing
Delete selected local adjustment or patch
Show / hide mask in local adjustmentsO
New region in retouching toolsN
Invert mask in active retouching tool⇧⌘ I
Unlock aspect ratio while dragging a crop corner in Crop toolHold ⇧ and drag
Move crop rectangle in Crop toolPress the arrow keys
Temporarily display all patches in Patch toolHold ⌃
Extend an existing patchHold ⇧ while starting to draw from the patch destination
Delete a point in Curves toolDouble click the point

Using the Library

Select next row in library⌥ ⇣
Select previous row in library⌥ ⇡
Expand selected row in library⌥ ⇢
Collapse selected row in library⌥ ⇠
Create a new folder^⌘ N
Increase thumbnails size in browser⇧⌘ =
Decrease thumbnails size in browser⇧⌘ -